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Autumn walk in Tullebølle
11/9 at 13 invites the Hjerteforeningen Langeland on a walk, which starts at Tullebølle Leisure Park and ends at Bagenbjerg Mølle.
Tullebølle Leisure Park, Heart nesting course, Forest and nature project Løkkeby and Bagenbjerg Mølle
Come with the Heart Association on an informative walk, where you will be told about the exciting projects in the area.
13.00 Tullebølle Leisure Park, origin, activities and operation, by Ib Christoffersen
13.15 Give Life-Heart Course, by Ove Høj Jensen
14.00 Nee Rentz-Petersen from Gubra, talks about Gubra's forest and nature project Løkkeby
14.45 – 16.30 Bagenbjerg Mill, by Bodil and Ole.
Coffee and cake are served in the mill.
Price for participation is DKK 75.00. in cash. Registration to Kirsten Jungsgaard, tel: 20 65 62 57 (text) no later than 07-09-2024.
Maximum number of participants, 49.