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The Strategy

Photo: Destination Fyn

Taking as its starting point the FYN365 strategy, the work of Destination Fyn focuses on assisting tourism on Fyn to capitalise the opportunities that investments in new attractions and new digital sales channels open up in relation to the international staging of Fyn. 

Destination Fyns strategiske indsatsområder 2023-2025

The work also encompasses cultivating opportunities which new global travel patterns provide in relation to the seasonal development of tourism, as well as the generation of more business for more Fyn-based companies – outside the conventional peak season as well.


The work of the cluster is founded on the following vision:

“Fyn and the islands are to be a sustainable, high-quality destination, whose narratives, attractions, events and commercial clusters interact to generate global visibility and to attract visitors to the destinations all year round.”

Strategic objectives:

The Destination Fyn strategy is built on four market-oriented points of reference that constitute the cluster’s strategic objectives up to 2022:

Objective 1:

Tourism on Fyn is to generate growth in turnover and jobs at a level above the national average for coastal and nature tourism in Denmark.

Objective 2:

Tourism on Fyn is to become more attractive at international level, and the share of international bed nights is to increase.

Objective 3:

Tourism on Fyn is to be developed seasonally, and the number of bed nights outside the peak season (i.e. September–May) is to increase.

Objective 4:

Tourism on Fyn is to achieve an international position where Fyn and the Archipelago are known and recognised as the leading cycling destination in northern Europe.

The cluster’s strategy is equally founded on the local Business Region Fyn's strategy for commercial development on Fyn as a whole and on general market insight into growth opportunities on the island.

The existing strategy is an ongoing process to ensure that Destination Fyn continuously adapts to market-related developments and that the activities of the cluster reflect the needs of its members and the challenges they face.

The Destination Fyn secretariat conducts an annual questionnaire survey among the businesses within the cluster, with questions on topics including future focus areas. The findings from the survey lay the foundations for the strategy and initiatives over the coming year.

The overall strategy plan for Destination Fyn is available to cluster members on request to the secretariat.

Arbejdet med de fem strategiske indsatsområder tager afsæt i en ansvarlig og bæredygtig tilgang og i viden, der bygger på data og markedsindsigt. Den videnbaserede og bæredygtige tilgang er udgangspunktet i alt, hvad vi beskæftiger os med.

Vores vision

Vores mission