Legacy and impact of your conference on Fyn

New partnerships? Attracting new employees? Collaboration on strategic development? More visibility and better promotion? When people meet at conferences, it creates a potential for strengthened impact and legacy creation for both local stakeholders and international partners.

To foster and improve the opportunities for creating extra value of conferences, Destination Fyn Convention Bureau helps connect the associations hosting the conferences with local organisations, companies and authorities. By focusing on the goals and ambitions of a conference, we open the doors to relevant potential partners – for the benefit of both the local community as well as the participants at and associations behind the conference.

Together with our fellow Danish destinations in MeetDenmark, we have developed a toolkit to help hosts and associations on their way to create impact and legacies. We will be happy to meet and go through the tools to kick off the impact of your event.

Learn more about our approach to impact and legacy in our destination presentation film

Process and toolkit

Destination Fyn Legacies offers a carefully designed process, aimed to motivate international associations and local stakeholders to build and commit to common goals that will leave a lasting, positive and sustainable impact. 


Initially Destination Fyn Legacies will involve the international association in a reflection and assessment process in order to identify the legacy potentials their congress might drive. This includes defining measurable legacy goals and setting up evaluation indicators for these activities. 


Destination Fyn Legacies will facilitate the stakeholder mapping and engage the most important and relevant local stakeholders. Together with the chosen stakeholders and the host we will drive the process of identifying their strategic legacy aims and goals. 

Building on the Danish traditions and our experience for cross-sectoral partnerships, particular emphasis is placed on securing a broad stakeholder collaboration. 


The key foundation of the Destination Fyn Legacies process is the facilitation of an ideation workshop, where the international association together with key stakeholders align their respective visions, strategies and legacy goals for the congress and subsequently cooperate to fulfil the chosen legacy outcomes. 


Destination Fyn Legacies will monitor the partnership and development progress of the chosen activities and offer support, counselling and inspiration to all working groups. The main responsibility for the implementation rest upon the working groups. 

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If you want tools that can help you with your work with value creation, you can find MeetDanmark's toolbox here.

Read more about MeetDenmark’s work with legacy here. 

Can we help?

Never hesitate to contact our team at Destination Fyns Convention Bureau. We are always ready to assist and guide you, when you are planning an event on Fyn.

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