Assens Næs Strand
Assens Næs/Assens Næs promontory
Assens Næs Strand is located on Assens Næs west of Assens out towards Little Belt.
A parking area and toilets have been set up at the end of the road leading to the beach between the campsite and Næsvej 21.
A toilet for the disabled is found in the building at Næsvej 25.
A sign describing the bathing conditions has been set up at the parking area near the beach.
The beach is 650 metres long: the north section is a 100-metre-wide sandy beach and the south section is a 10-metre-wide sandy beach. Along the entire length of the beach, there is a small strip of stones right at the water’s edge, but there is a fine sandy bottom a few metres from shore.
The bathing area is shallow: water depths of 2 metres are 200 metres from shore at normal water levels. For wheelchairs and the like, a driving path has been established from the parking area to a bathing jetty for the disabled midway along the beach.
As Assens Næs Strand is certified to fly the Blue Flag of Europe, various activities will be held at regular intervals during the summer. See www.assens.dk for further details.