En å er omgivet af grønt. Grønne buske og grønne træer hænger indover åen. På åen sejler et par en kano. De sidder i sorte redningsveste.

Go canoeing on Fyn

Photo: Mette Johnsen

Go on a canoe trip and experience nature from a new perspective. Maybe you feel like taking a calm trip with time for reflection, a weekend trip with the children, or perhaps a one-day-trip with exercise? See where you can rent equipment, read about the rules, and get some great trips.

Canoe rental

Don’t worry, we have plenty of possibilities for you to rent a canoe with all the necessary equipment. Take a look at this list.

Rent a Canoe on Odense River
Photo: Odense Aafart

Rent a Canoe on Odense River

It's always nice to take a trip on the Aafarten turbo boat, but if you want to be on your own, it's now also possible to rent a canoe. On their website they describe several routes, varying in length ...

DCU Camping Canoe Rental
Photo: Ukendt

DCU Camping Canoe Rental

Rent a Canoe at DCU-Odense City Camping

This Campsite is located in a beautiful natural area, yet is still relatively close to the city centre.

You can rent the canoe at the camp site itself. Each c...

Canoe Rental
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Canoe Rental

Hire a canoe for a day
Take a canoe out and explore beautiful nature, such as the island of Svinø in Gamborg Fjord.

Please note that canoeing is at your own risk. Canoeing is not advisable in ...

To piger i redningsvest og en mand sejler en grå kano. De sejler på en bred å. I baggrunden ses buske med grønne blade. To ænder svømmer på åen til venstre for kanoen.
Photo: Visit Fyn

FDF Odense

At FDF Odense you can rent canoes for 200 kr.  a day and as an extra bonus all your money goes to the scouts in the club. You have to pick them up yourself and drop them off again. Life jackets, extra seats and paddles are included in the price.

Det meste af billedet består af havvand. I venstre øverste hjørne ses bagenden af en lille båd og en par pæle der stikker op af vandet. På vandet sejler to kanoer forskudt af hinanden. I den bagerste sidder tre piger. To i redningsvest og en uden. I den forreste sidder tre unge mænd to i bar mave og en i en grå tanktop.
Photo: Sandager Næs Camping

Sandager Næs Camping

You can rent canoes at the camp site for 50 kr. per hour or 175 kr. for an entire day.


Tips for your trip

If you have not sailed a canoe before, it may be a good idea to read the following as there's a couple of things to keep in mind.

Rules on the rivers/streams  

Most streams and rivers on Fyn are not suited for sailing. You must be aware that the few places that are suited have special rules. Remember to be careful and not to harm the nature around the stream/river.

Odense River

The most obvious place to go canoeing is on Odense River. You can sail all year, but the allowed length is dependent on the season.

All year round, you can row a distance of 15 km. From 1 June to 1 April, the allowed route is 22 km, and from 1 November to 1 April, the allowed length is 35 km. Confused yet? Get the full view of the routes right here.


Here, you are allowed to sail a short distance from the mouth of Helnæs Bay to where Landevejen crosses the river.

You are only allowed to use non-motorized vessels like rowboats, canoes, and kayaks. Be aware that you cannot harm or be an inconvenience to the stream, hunting, or fishing.

Also, be aware that it is not allowed to sail upstream from Landevejen.

Horne Mølle Å

You can sail from the mouth of Helnæs Bay to where Assensvej crosses the river.

You are only allowed to use non-motorized vessels like rowboats, canoes, and kayaks. Be aware that you cannot harm or be an inconvenience to the stream, hunting, or fishing.

Again, be aware that it is not allowed to sail upstream from Landevejen.

Read more right here.

Canoeing with children

Canoeing with children is no problem. It's a good idea to involve them in the planning and to make sure to plan it on their terms also.

Remember to bring lots of water, especially if it's a hot day. It's also a good idea to bring snacks and/or a packed lunch, and of course - coffee for the tired adults.

In case of the little ones needing a nap, you can also bring blankets and pillows. If you bring toys, make sure to tie them to the canoe so they don’t float away.

Remember the breaks! Here, you can stretch your legs, grab something to drink and a bite to eat, enjoy a beautiful view, or go to the bathroom (you can’t forget that).