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A lot of people know Fyns Badestrand as it is situated right where the Great Belt Bridge (Storebæltsbroen) reaches Funen Island (Fyn).
It is a nice, large beach, which was created when the western bridge was built. Nice sandy beach and on the bottom. Nice for a swim. The flow of water in the Great Belt assures that the water is always pure and clean.
Facts about the Great Belt Bridge
The 18 km long fixed link across Storebælt comprises two bridges and a tunnel.
Construction work on Storebælt took place from 1988-1998. The motorway across Storebælt opened in 1998 and the railway opened in 1997.
The West Bridge
The West Bridge was built between 1989 and 1994.
The West Bridge, which is a combined road and rail bridge, is 6,611 m long.
The West Bridge, in fact, consists of two parallel bridges, one for the road and one for the railway. Both the bridge’s super and sub-structures were manufactured in concrete at a factory near Lindholm on Funen.
The elements for the West Bridge were towed out to the bridge alignment by the floating crane, Svanen. On the 62 bridge piers lie 63 bridge spans, 51 spans of 110 m and 12 spans of 82 m. Each bridge span comprises a road and rail girder.
The bridge’s passage height is 18 m.
The East Bridge
The East Bridge between Zealand and Sprogø is 6,790 m long.
The East Bridge consists of a sub-structure and a superstructure.
The concrete sub-structure comprises pylons, anchor blocks, bridge piers and abutments.
The steel superstructure comprises bridge spans and cables.
The suspension bridge between the two anchor blocks is approx. 2,700 m long. The suspension bridge consists of the 1,624 m free span between the two pylons plus the two side spans between the pylons and anchor blocks of 535 m each.
The suspension bridge is connected to 23 approach spans (14 from Zealand and 9 from Sprogø).
The East Bridge spans Storebælt’s Eastern Channel, an international waterway. The passage height is 65 m.