Shelter at Refsvindinge Natur og Kulturcenter
Lovely shelters at Refsvindinge Nature and Culture Center - 10 km south of Nyborg.
Shelters at Refsvindinge Nature and Culture Center, Skolevænget 1-3, 5853 Ørbæk
Located in lovely surroundings approx. 10 km south of Nyborg city center.
The center has built 3 shelters in 2017 and expanded by 2 shelters in connection with the campfire hut in 2018 and 2019. The shelters can accommodate 5-6 people each.
The shelters are equipped with mosquito nets and there is firewood for smaller campfires. Fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler and fire blanket are provided.
There is access to toilet, electricity and water if you have booked in advance.
Bookings are made at natur.refsvindinge@gmail.com or at the homepage www.naturrefsvindinge.dk
Please enter:
arrival date and approximate time,
number of participants
name of one person
Price 25, - DKK per person per night.
There is also the possibility to pitch tents.