How to get around Fyn and the surrounding islands
We give you the complete guide to getting around on Fyn. By train, bus, tram, bicycle, electric scooter or ferry – we got it all.
First thing first – How to get from the airport to Fyn
It takes approx. 1 hour and 15 minutes to get from Copenhagen Airport to Fyn by car. Be aware that it takes longer with public transportation. You can either take the bus or the train from Copenhagen to Fyn. If you aren't into public transportation, we recommend renting a car at the airport. Rent a car at Copenhagen Airport.
It takes aproxx. 1 hour and 30 minutes to get from Billund Airport to Fyn by car. Again, be aware that it takes longer with public transportation. Getting from Billund Airport to Fyn is the same as above – take the bus or the train. You can also rent a car at Billund Airport. Taking a taxi from Billund Airport will cost approx. 900-2200 DKK.
Fynbus takes you around Fyn and the islands
Fynbus takes you around the islands. Furthermore they offer a special tourist ticket – with this you can travel as much as you want to for a set price.
Island hopping or just a quick visit – how to get around
When visiting Fyn, it is a must to visit some of the islands in the archipelago. And don´t worry, even though we have a lot of islands and thus a lot of ferry routes, it´s not that difficult to figure out. Just take a look at this.
How to get from Copenhagen to Ærø and Langeland by public transportation
You can either take the fast route or the cheap route to Ærø – if you are lucky and plan your stay in good time the fastest route can also be fairly cheap.
The fast route: Take the train from København H or the airport to Odense. From here you can either take the train or the bus to Svendborg. Now all that awaits is a ferry ride to Ærø. You can take the bus free of charge on Ærø. You can also take the bus from Odense to Faaborg and then take the ferry to Ærø.
The cheap route: Take the bus from Copenhagen to Odense. The bus stops at two places – the central station and Ørbækvej. If you are taking the bus to Ørbækvej, you must first take a bus to the central station. From here your options are the same as describes above.
Are you going to Langeland, you must catch a bus from Odense central station. Getting from Copenhagen to Odense is the same as described above. Take the bus to Rudkøbing. It is also possible to take a ferry from Rudkøbing to Ærø.
Ferry departures from Faaborg: Avernakø – Lyø, Bjørnø, Ærø (Søby)
Ferry departures from Svendborg: Hjortø, Ærø (Ærøskøbing), Skarø - Drejø
Ferry departures from Rudkøbing: Ærø (Marstal), Strynø
Ferry departures from Assens: Bågø
Ferry departures from Kerteminde: Romsø
If you want more information about what all these great islands have to offer, you can dive into it right her: The islands around Fyn.
How to get around in Odense the easy way
We absolutely recommend getting around in Odense by foot, on a bicycle or an electric scooter. There are different types of electric scooters in Odense – find links to electric scooters companies in Odense and download their apps to get started.
You can also jump on the tramway. Learn how to use the tramway in Odense
Bike Island – of course you should bicycle around Fyn!
It is not without reason that we proudly named Fyn and the surrounding islands: Bike Island. 1,200 km of signposted cycle routes give you plenty of cycle fun – from a slow and serene trip into the blue to adrenaline building mountain biking and road cycling. Go explore our vast cycling universe right here.
Don’t know where to start planning the perfect cycling holiday? We know that it can be a daunting task, especially if you have not done it before. Don’t worry, we give you the checklist for planning a perfect cycling holiday.
How to get around on your hiking trip the easy way
Planning a hiking trip is not always easy, especially if it involves children. There are a lot of details to get right to make it all come together. We have talked to our most experienced hikers to get the top tips on transportation before, under and after the hike.
Top tip #1
If you want to take the children, your friend or some else entirely fore a short hike without accommodation, you might be surprised that it actually takes some planning ahead.
If the trail doesn’t start and stop the same place you have to consider how to get back to the starting point the smartest way. For example if you wanted to hike just one section on our beautiful Archipelago Trail.
The comfortable way: Attach your bicycle to your car and start by placing it at the end destination of the hike. This could be a restaurant, so you can end the hike with a nice meal. When you are finished eating, you simply hop on your bike, go back to where you started your hike (and where your car is), put the bike back on the car and go get the rest of your hiking crew. Easy, right?
The not quite as comfortable way: You can of course always take the bus back to the starting point and your car. This might involve another walk to and from the bus stop. We recommend using this travel planner to find the right bus and departure time.
Top tip #2
Are you thinking about taking the whole family on a hiking holiday? We highly recommend exploring our package tours. The good thing about this type of holiday is that everything is planned for you. You just have to put on your hiking boots, pack your bag and go hiking without any worries.
Top tip #3
Would you rather decide yourself where to hike and where to sleep? Start by checking out our many hiking trails here on Fyn and the surrounding islands.
Accommodation during the holiday is a must – and there are plenty of possibilities near the different trails. You can see all the accommodation possibilities right here.
Lastly but not least it might be a good idea to arrange baggage transportation during the different hikes. You can see the different options for baggage transportation right here.